Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Portland Farewell Party

It may be a strange way to start my blog, but sometimes you need to see the end of one chapter before you can begin the next (or in my case create a very sappy video montage). I found myself putting this together at 1am last night. I think the holidays are making me a bit homesick for all my wonderful friends in Portland.

I promise that future posts about life in Prague are on the way.

Thanks to Laura for her amazing cinematography skills on a point and shoot camera.


Jenn said...

Hi there, blogger!

megan said...

that is an adorably fabulous video... thanks for sharing it? now was it cut by you? or laura? or lena? it is not exactly clear...

ps. now bring on the crazy prague winter stories!!

karina said...

The video was taken by laura at the party (i think on Kyle's camera). I edited it on my wonderful MacBook. It really was the best going away party ever. Prague post coming soon...

Little Yellow House said...

AHHH! I love the video... Make more! make more!! we miss y'all, thanks for setting up the blog. We're following you.

duhn duhn duuuuunh.

Unknown said...

ah, that made me teary!! i miss you guys too!!! but it somehow makes me feel better knowing you two are together in prague :)
when was the last time ya'all were in portland? it's over a freakin' year for me and D (and guess what? i speak freakin' elf speak, finally :) and i'm a spa rat again....and daniel is making pizzas (in a wood burning oven now), but....i guess some things never change
we miss ptown too!! let's all move back and be neighbors again! you and lena give eachother hugs from us!!
lauren & daniel