Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I guess I'll have to pay

"I'm American!" I scream. I usually don't publicize this fact when living/traveling in a foreign country, at least not at the top of my lungs. But here I sit in my cozy Prague apartment yelling my nationality at my unrepentant computer.

I just need a fix of my ABC line up (don't judge) and my computer obstinately tells me it won't give me a hit because "Only viewers within the United States can watch these episodes," hence the screaming. This is not only the case with ABC.com, this isolationist approach to entertainment is also taken by Netflix movie streaming, and recently discovered Hulu.com (is it really better to have loved and lost, than to have never watched at all?).

At first I'm upset because I can't access my free episodes of Ugly Betty. Yah, yah. I know I'm living in a European city with so much culture and art that it oozes out from between its cobblestone streets. But I don't want culture now, I want my American TV, I'd even settle for an episode of Grey's Anatomy. I just need 30 minutes of mindless zoning. And my ameri-cenric computer won't give it to me.

Next I'm outraged about the self-centered, imperialistic tone of the message. What? Only American's deserve mindless TV? This can't be good for foreign relations. Someone call the Obama transition team. I have a way to help restore America's image abroad.

Finally I settle on self-blame and feelings of ineptitude. In case you are unaware, my claims of being a "technical genius" are indeed sarcasm, and while my roommate is sitting through several technical classes learning about aspect ratios and PAL vs NTSC whatever, i'm pretty sure she spends the time doodling in her notebook, because both of our 100k educations put together can't get me the new episode of Grey’s Anatomy...

How is a girl supposed to procrastinate under these conditions? I guess I'll just have to go to the National Gallery, or face the beast and actually write my grad school essays. Then again I do know a dealer that only charges $1.99. Think I'll make a call to iTunes.


megan said...

i think there may be a solution... suggest reading up on the foxfire add-on "FoxyProxy" i used it to pretend to be from countries other than the us in order to play scrabulous, so i dont see why you couldnt have it go the opposite way... ooh! and i just found the directions- check your inbox!

Laura said...

I was just about to suggest the same thing Megan did. I'm pretty sure you can trick your IP address into thinking you're in the US.

In any case, welcome to the blogging world!!!

I can't wait to see you both in NYC!!

S.Rao said...

I'm just disappointed that it's Ugly Betty and not LOST.

Jessica K said...

If you figure it out, you should watch Pushing Daisies. A fantastic, whimsical show.